Friday, August 22, 2014

Spicing It Up!!!

It's FINALLY THAT TIME AGAIN! FOOTBALL SEASON WOOOO!!!! I mean Fall it's almost fall. Ah who am I kidding I'm ready to watch my favorite teams and yell at the tv until the neighbors call the cops lol! AH the crispness, though it's not here yet, I can already sense it!

Drawing this summer to an end I've began getting somethings prepped and ready. This week's mini prep session is for our first good cold weekend. I've been making a signature chili for quite a few years now and have been buying the canned or frozen peppers but, this year I thought I'd freeze my own from our family garden =) I can't WAIT to try my chili recipe with a homegrown additive. Yum Yum!

Look at these beauties! Fresh Piedmont, AL grown Corn, Bell Peppers and Habanero Peppers! PLUS, the FIRST of Pawpaw's Muscadines! NOM NOM NOM! (I'm aiming to learn how to make muscadine jelly/jam this year too! If I get around to doing so I'll make sure to share my progress!)

First is first, get your best paring knife, a small cutting board and your peppers. Make sure the surrounding area is clean, it's sure to be catching flyaways(at least in my house anyways lol) Also VERY important!!! Keep little wandering hands and nosey pets AWAY!!! If they get a hold of one of those seeds or maybe even just the juice from the peppers they WILL regret it! If you have any little cuts or scrapes on your hands or wrists now would be a good time to get those covered(I should've worn gloves OUCH!)

I've come to realize not EVERY one knows how to cut a pepper =/ my bad! I guess growing up with all country women I just assumed everyone did it the same =) FIRST take your pepper stem side up, I started with the Habaneros. Cut into the pepper just enough to break through. Now slide the knife all the way around the pepper with out cutting through the middle you just want to cut off the top and stem.

Voila! If all goes according to plan when you pull the top away you should have all, or at least MOST, of your seeds for the garbage bin.

Continue this process until all or your peppers are topless! Oh my! Topless, spicy, little peppers on my counter top ... WELL I NEVER HAHAHAHA!!!

We're now ready to slice the peppers in half for dicing. You'll notice some seeds and inner membrane still attached. You're welcome to finish getting those that weren't attached to the top out of your pepper or leave them for a little extra heat. I chose to leave some of the little ones for the added heat and flavor.

This is the part I wasn't able to take pictures, PEPPER JUICE + PHONE = BURNING FACE hmmm... NO THANK YOU! I invite you to visualize!

Now that your peppers are sliced in halves, take one of the halves, inside facing up, and cut long ways into pieces. Once your half is severed turn short ways and begin dicing. If your aren't comfortable dicing multiple slivers all at once feel free to do them one sliver at a time. Continue this until are of your peppers are diced or roughly chopped. NOTE we ARE NOT PERFECT HERE PEOPLE!!! Messy chopping is absolutely WONDERFUL!!! It's not like we're being graded ... O.o unless you're a culinary student reading this in which case BY ALL MEANS DO IT PERFECTLY!!! DON'T MAKE YOUR PROFESSOR GO ALL GORDON RAMSEY ON YOU!!!

Grab a small container that will stay air tight to keep your peppers from getting freezer burnt and fill it up! I cut mine sporadically anyways so they were already somewhat mixed up BUT, I also shook the container well after I was sure it was sealed.

There you have them! Quick, simple and didn't cost me a dime!

I chose a plastic container with a rubbery plastic lid. Using these is so easy when it comes to labeling! Instead of having to make little labels or using the store bought ones, use a dry erase marker! They always wash off easily and most of us already have a board on the fridge anyways, it's a two-for.

And there you have it folks! Our Mini Friday Prep Session!
Stay tuned later in the season for my trademark chili recipe!
I've changed a few friends ways of making chili I just may change yours too ;)

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