Saturday, August 30, 2014


IT'S FINALLY HERE!!!! ROLL TIDE ROLL!!!!! It feels like it's been FOREVER since the last football game!!! At last I can breathe again, well until next week's game that is lol. I'm sure you've already guessed in THIS house we are Bama ALL THE WAY! Don't worry though, we're good sports, we watch and yell for our fellow SEC teams just as we do our own. BUT FIRST we cheer our favorite guys and coach to victory! First win of the season yall! Road to #16!

To start off football season in our home we first put out my famous Roll Tide Wreath! OH YEAH! Our neighbors know what time it is!

Here's the link for what seems to be my most visited post!

What better way to kick off football season, besides my wreath that is lol, than with an all around favorite in our family ROTEL DIP!!! Now I know you can get the Velveeta version off the box BUT, I'm partial to the Nanny's recipe that I MAY have tweaked JUST A LITTLE!!! The hotter the better! Am I right or am I RIGHT! lol


*** I make two separate sets, a Hot one and a Mild one ***

The Hot Set (a.k.a. MY ROTEL DIP)
- 1 lb. hot sausage 
- 1.5 lbs. ground beef
- 2 cans HOT Rotel tomatoes
- 1 large block of Mexican Velveeta
- 1 small block of Jalapeno Velveeta
- Olive Oil
- Black Pepper
- Salt
- Crushed Red Pepper Flakes

The Mild Set (Nanny's Original Version)
- 1.5 lbs. ground beef
- 1 lb. regular sausage
- 1 can MILD Rotel tomatoes
- 1 small block of regular Velveeta cheese
- Olive Oil
- Salt

*** Two skillets, a knife, One large crock pot and one small crock pot. If you don't have crock pots you can also use regular deep boilers. But you'll have to keep a good eye one them and steadily stir to keep from scorching your dip.

Place the skillets on the stove and turn both stove eyes to medium heat to start. Then add about a quarter's size amount of olive oil to each skillet.

 Divide the three pounds of ground beef between the two skillets, break a part with a spatula to start browning. 

Now add the hot sausage to one skillet and the regular to the other skillet, IF need be make a note of which is which. To your MILD skillet add about 1/2 a teaspoon of salt and combine. To your hot skillet add 1/2 teaspoon of salt, 1/2 teaspoon of black pepper and 1 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes(or more for more heat). Break all the meat up keeping an eye on both to keep from burning until both are completely browned, breaking the meat apart as you go.

Meanwhile, open all three cans of Rotel tomatoes. Add BOTH HOT cans to the large crock pot and the ONE MILD can to the small crock pot. Go ahead and plug in both crock pots to get started warming, JUST TO THE LOW SETTING FOR NOW. 

Now time for the BEST part... THE CHEESE!!! Unwrap the large, Mexican style block of Velveeta. The way I've learned to cube my cheese blocks is by first cutting the block length wise all the way through.

 Turn the block on it's side and repeat but, be sure to keep the slices all together. Turn the block side ways and make roughly one inch slices down the length of the block. Add the cubes to the large crock pot. Repeat with the Jalapeno block adding to the large pot as well. Repeat the process again with the small block of Velveeta Original adding this one to the small crock pot. At this point you can turn both crock pots up to high.

Mild on the Left, Hot on the Right.

Once you have all three cheese block cut up and placed in the correct crock pots you're ready to add the meat. Again make sure to keep the Mild separate from the Hot. Add the Hot meat mixture to your large pot, repeat with the Mild mixture for the small, draining the meat is up to you I chose to keep the grease to add flavor, but it is an optional step. 

YES I also realize you see I haven't plugged in my crock pots. My recipes are for our family reunion, I assembled my recipes at home and started the crock pot when I got there, which of course is a second option for you as well. 

So IF you too want to assemble now and finish later... follow recipe to plan, except for heating the crock pot AND... continue from here.

Due to the hot meat of course they'd start a SLIGHT melting process BUT, when I got to our destination I plug them in IMMEDIATELY. I started them on high and continually came back to stir until they were melted. 

The regular recipe and the start now and finish later recipe should both be treated the same. Leave heat on high and stir occasionally until both cheese are completely melted.

After both cheese mixtures are completely melted and combined, turn the heat down to warm.

You're ready to serve! If you aren't serving at this point continue to keep both crock pots on warm, stir occasionally until serving time and while serving to keep from producing a film.

There you have it!!! Our family FAVORITES to kick off the season. My famous wreath and my scrumptious Rotel Dips! ENJOY!!!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Spicing It Up!!!

It's FINALLY THAT TIME AGAIN! FOOTBALL SEASON WOOOO!!!! I mean Fall it's almost fall. Ah who am I kidding I'm ready to watch my favorite teams and yell at the tv until the neighbors call the cops lol! AH the crispness, though it's not here yet, I can already sense it!

Drawing this summer to an end I've began getting somethings prepped and ready. This week's mini prep session is for our first good cold weekend. I've been making a signature chili for quite a few years now and have been buying the canned or frozen peppers but, this year I thought I'd freeze my own from our family garden =) I can't WAIT to try my chili recipe with a homegrown additive. Yum Yum!

Look at these beauties! Fresh Piedmont, AL grown Corn, Bell Peppers and Habanero Peppers! PLUS, the FIRST of Pawpaw's Muscadines! NOM NOM NOM! (I'm aiming to learn how to make muscadine jelly/jam this year too! If I get around to doing so I'll make sure to share my progress!)

First is first, get your best paring knife, a small cutting board and your peppers. Make sure the surrounding area is clean, it's sure to be catching flyaways(at least in my house anyways lol) Also VERY important!!! Keep little wandering hands and nosey pets AWAY!!! If they get a hold of one of those seeds or maybe even just the juice from the peppers they WILL regret it! If you have any little cuts or scrapes on your hands or wrists now would be a good time to get those covered(I should've worn gloves OUCH!)

I've come to realize not EVERY one knows how to cut a pepper =/ my bad! I guess growing up with all country women I just assumed everyone did it the same =) FIRST take your pepper stem side up, I started with the Habaneros. Cut into the pepper just enough to break through. Now slide the knife all the way around the pepper with out cutting through the middle you just want to cut off the top and stem.

Voila! If all goes according to plan when you pull the top away you should have all, or at least MOST, of your seeds for the garbage bin.

Continue this process until all or your peppers are topless! Oh my! Topless, spicy, little peppers on my counter top ... WELL I NEVER HAHAHAHA!!!

We're now ready to slice the peppers in half for dicing. You'll notice some seeds and inner membrane still attached. You're welcome to finish getting those that weren't attached to the top out of your pepper or leave them for a little extra heat. I chose to leave some of the little ones for the added heat and flavor.

This is the part I wasn't able to take pictures, PEPPER JUICE + PHONE = BURNING FACE hmmm... NO THANK YOU! I invite you to visualize!

Now that your peppers are sliced in halves, take one of the halves, inside facing up, and cut long ways into pieces. Once your half is severed turn short ways and begin dicing. If your aren't comfortable dicing multiple slivers all at once feel free to do them one sliver at a time. Continue this until are of your peppers are diced or roughly chopped. NOTE we ARE NOT PERFECT HERE PEOPLE!!! Messy chopping is absolutely WONDERFUL!!! It's not like we're being graded ... O.o unless you're a culinary student reading this in which case BY ALL MEANS DO IT PERFECTLY!!! DON'T MAKE YOUR PROFESSOR GO ALL GORDON RAMSEY ON YOU!!!

Grab a small container that will stay air tight to keep your peppers from getting freezer burnt and fill it up! I cut mine sporadically anyways so they were already somewhat mixed up BUT, I also shook the container well after I was sure it was sealed.

There you have them! Quick, simple and didn't cost me a dime!

I chose a plastic container with a rubbery plastic lid. Using these is so easy when it comes to labeling! Instead of having to make little labels or using the store bought ones, use a dry erase marker! They always wash off easily and most of us already have a board on the fridge anyways, it's a two-for.

And there you have it folks! Our Mini Friday Prep Session!
Stay tuned later in the season for my trademark chili recipe!
I've changed a few friends ways of making chili I just may change yours too ;)

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

NOT Your Mother's Spaghetti ;D


I have been on hiatus since FEBRUARY 19th!!! It was a fabulous break with A LOT of changes and bundles of fun! However, I am BEYOND thrilled to be back and this time...I WILL BE UPLOADING AT LEAST ONCE A WEEK!!! Yes ladies and gentlemen I am vowing to you, my loyal followers, to be 120% better at keeping to my blog =). NEW recipes, NEW crafts, NEW tips and helpful tidbits and much, MUCH MORE!!! Now let's begin shall we...

Back in my tenth grade year of high school, I had a horrible time with pass out spells. Not to worry lovelys, they're COMPLETELY under control now, WITH OUT any prescriptions to assist! THANK YOU LORD!!! 

During these spells I was stuck at home A LOT, while I wasn't going to my many doctors that is, so Nanny and Daddy stayed on top of finding new things to make this time easier. One of these assistants was baked spaghetti ... AND. I. LOVED. IT!!! But I didn't really ... OKAY FINE so I NEVER cooked when I lived at home. Yes it's true Nanny, Daddy and on the occasion even Pawpaw cooked all my meals for me. I know some of you are probably saying, "WOW what a spoiled little brat!" Right?! I consider it being very, VERY blessed! Thousands of children and even quite a few adults would kill to have that kind of love in their lives but, we will get to that story another time =)

Though I didn't cook much living at home, I was VERY well taught. Daddy being a single father taught and still teaches me all he knows. Nanny being a southern woman through and through, as well as having family and friends of the same up bringing, you can only BEGIN to imagine the teachings I get from that woman.

I've always loved baking and cooking, to me they're a form of arts and crafts, I love to take NOTHING and make it into something AMAZING!!! And that's what I started practicing when I moved to Jacksonville with my now husband of almost THREE YEARS!!!

 Little by little, trial and error I've tweaked that original recipe Nanny and Daddy started for me, along with dozens more...and now I'd like to share them with you. Try them as is or make your own adjustments, the choice is up to you. 

But before we begin, I do ask that you think about the ramblings you've just read, brew on them. Find that person or persons that inspired you to start doing something you love and continue doing whatever that something is and do it in their honor...and watch how much more you fall in love with that passion because of that connection you just discovered. 


When you normally think of spaghetti most people will think...Boil Noodles, Drain Noodles, Brown Meat, Add Sauce, Mix Together or Pour Over Noodles...BLAH BLAH BLAH!!! STOP IT!!! This is NOT your mother's spaghetti! It's time for a reboot!!!


- 1 lb. ground chuck

- 24 oz. Can of any random pasta sauce

(YES ANYTHING!!! I buy the cheapest one I can find...just try me!)

- Pepper, Salt, Garlic Salt, Cayenne, Oregano, Italian Season, Roasted Garlic & Bell Pepper(McCormick's on that last one)

- A small package of Angel Hair or Thin Spaghetti 

- 2 Cups Shredded Cheddar Cheese

- 2 Cups Shredded Mozzarella Cheese

- Vegetable Oil

- Cooking Spray

- 9x9 Cookware( I prefer glass)

- Garlic Bread (as if you'd forget)

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. 

Start your water for noodles and start browning your meat. I brown mine in a boiler so I can add sauce and seasonings right in instead of dirtying extra dishes.

***Give your water time to start boiling BEFORE adding your noodles***
***Add Vegetable Oil and Salt to Water, Stir, THEN Add Noodles***

Go ahead and get your seasonings ready...

1 tsp. Cayenne, 1 tsp. R.G.&.B.P., 1 tsp. Italian, 1 tsp. Oregano, 1 tsp. Garlic Powder and Salt and Pepper to Taste.
***THIS is why the cheap sauce is just perfect!***

You don't have to stress on whether or not your meat is perfectly browned because the oven will take care of any little under cooked spots.

Add your sauce and bring to a slight boil.

This part is optional but is a HUGE time saver. You'll see that your sauce somewhat favors chili, in a way. What makes chili AMAZING!? TIME!!! The longer it cooks the BETTER IT IS!!! But this is a "Under An Hour Meal" SO, I add a couple Tbs. of flour to thicken the sauce a bit quicker. It gives it the thickness you need but also a little bit of a "cooked for awhile" taste.

 At this point, all your prep work is complete. Spray your 9x9 glassware thoroughly and add a handful or both cheeses evenly in the pan.

Use a spaghetti ladle to take your first layer of noodles STRAIGHT FROM THE WATER TO THE PAN!


Top your first layer of noodles with another handful of each cheese.

Pour all of the sauce over your first layer of noodles and cheeses.

Ladle the rest of the noodles on top of the sauce and cover with the rest of the remaining cheeses. (This is where I forgot to get a picture BUT we all can imagine a pretty pile of cheeses on the picture below.)

Now place in the oven and set a timer for 25 minutes.

*** Bonus Side Note: While your hands are still greasy from assembly, go ahead and put your toast on a pan. Put the pan in the freezer until time to bake. This step gives you the still frozen toast you need for it to cook properly but ALSO allows you to wash your hands one less time! Yay for a little less drying out of your hands lol! ***

TADA!!! Ahh that beautiful, crunchy, cheesy crust!!!!
While this beauty is cooling bake your bread(Don't forget to flip it!)